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After a local planning authority has received a planning application, it will undertake a period of consultation where views on the proposed development can be expressed. A Development Management Procedure Order sets out a legal requirement for local planning authorities to notify Parish Councils of the decision on planning applications within the Parish Council area. The formal consultation period normally lasts for 21 days, and the local planning authority will identify and consult a number of different groups. It is at this point when the Tattingstone Parish Council will be notified of any new planning applications that have been received within the parish. Every month, when the Tattingstone Parish Council meets, any new planning applications that have been received within the Parish, are openly discussed. The Parish Council then submits its comments to the local planning authority.
Visit the Babergh and Mid Suffolk Council's Planning section for current planning applications in the area of Tattingstone. Just type Tattingstone in the search box or if you have the application number use that instead.