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Neighbourhood Plan Focused Consultation – January/February 2025
Having considered all the comments, the Parish Council has decided to carry out a further, focused, consultation on one matter, the proposed Settlement Boundary at The Heath Area. We are providing you with an opportunity to comment on some changes to the Settlement Boundary compared to the one we consulted on this time last year.
Consultation runs until 28 February
The Consultation Leaflet, which has been distributed to all residents via The Tattler, explains the consultation and proposed changes to the Settlement Boundary. We would like to know if you support the proposed changes.
You can comment online at www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/Tattingstone_SB/
At the end of this consultation period the Parish Council will review the comments and then submit the amended Draft Neighbourhood Plan to Babergh District Council. The Plan will then be subject to further consultation and an independent examination. Once changes required by the examiner have been made, the Plan will be subject to a Parish Referendum where residents on the electoral register will be asked whether they want Babergh DC to use the Plan when it is making decisions on planning applications in the Parish. We hope that this will take place later in the year.
2024 Consultation on Draft Plan
Thank you to everyone who commented on the draft Neighbourhood Plan which the Parish Council consulted on between January and March 2024. We have [published the comments received for information. The comments are “as received” and no amendments have been made by the Parish Council to even correct spelling errors.
Neighbourhood Plan Working Group members: (click on member's names to see their Register of Interests)
Ian Poole, Consultant - Places4PeopleAndrea Mendel - Parish Council RepJanice Lee - Parish Council Rep
Pre-Submission Consultation on Draft Neighbourhood Plan
We’ve now reached a major milestone and are consulting widely on the Draft Plan until Friday 8 March. You now have the opportunity to say whether or not you support the content of the Plan or would like to see some changes and so influence planning and development policy for Tatingstone for the coming years.
We have distributed a summary leaflet to every household in the Parish.
If you don’t have access to the Internet, paper copies will be available to view at the following locations:
The White Horse PH, The Wheatsheaf PH and the Village Hall.
A copy of the Plan can also be borrowed for a short period by contacting David Connolly on 07941 895099 or emailing david.connolly19@gmail.com
How to comment
We would welcome your comments. These can be submitted online or by completing the form below and returning it as instructed on the form. Comments must be received by midnight on Friday 8 March.
Paper comments forms should be returned to the collection boxes at:
The White Horse PH, The Wheatsheaf PH and the Village Hall.
We want your comments, even if you support everything in the Plan!
Supporting Documents
In addition to the Plan itself, there are a number of supporting documents referred to in the Plan. These can be found below:
Tattingstone Neighbourhood Plan Residents Survey 2022 Results
Tattingstone Landscape Appraisal – March 2023
Tattingstone Design Guidance and Codes – July 2023
Tattingstone Local Green Space Appraisal – January 2024
Tattingstone Assessment of Non-Designated Heritage Assets - January 2024
Previous Consultation Events
Prior to consulting on the Draft Neighbourhood Plan, two drop-in events have been held.
In August 2021 we held a general information event and in March 2023 we held an update event where we fed back the results of the information gathering to-date.
The displays boards are available to view below
August 2021 Drop-in Event Display
March 2023 Drop-in Event Display
Once the consultation ends, all comments received will be reviewed and the Plan will be amended as necessary. It will then be submitted to Babergh District Council who will carry out a second round of consultation before the Plan is assessed by an Independent Examiner. The Examiner will decide what changes are required to meet the national neighbourhood planning requirements and recommend that the Plan is subject to a Parish Referendum open to all on the Electoral Register. There is no minimum turnout for the Referendum and a simple majority in favour of the Plan will mean that it can be used by Babergh District Council when making decisions on planning applications.
The Tattingstone Neighbourhood Plan Update 2023
There was a drop-in event at the village hall on Saturday 4th March 2023 which was well attended, with 74 villagers coming to see the progress of our Tattingstone Neighbourhood Plan. The display boards clearly showed the feedback from the survey, which was conducted last year, and gets us further towards our goal of completion.
Background Information
The government has the plan to build many new homes across the country. The Babergh Local Plan does not identify the important local characteristics and features in our village that should be protected from development. A neighbourhood plan allows us to decide where we would like any new homes to be built and identify important features that should be protected.
The Parish Council is the “responsible body” for preparing the Plan, but support is going to be needed from residents and experts to produce a Plan that provides a solid framework to guide how the village evolves over future years.
What is a Neighbourhood Plan?
It’s a Plan agreed by local people to decide how their parish should develop - or not - over the next decade or so. Whether the Plan is approved will ultimately be decided at a Parish Referendum when, if a majority of residents that vote agree with the Plan, Babergh District Council will be required to adopt it.
When complete, it sits alongside the Local Plan for Babergh and national planning policies and is used by the District Council when making decisions on planning applications.
Have your say
Everyone received a hard copy of the Neighbourhood Plan survey, but an online version was made available too. The closing date was 31st March 2022.
The responses are now being collated, and a full presentation of the results will be made available to everyone soon.
Download the full results of the Neighbourhood Drop-In Event August 2021.